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Wednesday 1 October 2014

how sweet to be water

Being water is one of the nicest things you can be. Or is it?

At least it was for martial artist, Bruce Lee. Although in spite of having flown like water his entire life could not help dying of cerebral edema. How ironic.

"Empty your mind" Bruce used to tell us with such eagerness you were even tempted to try and vacate your worried head of all kind of garbage littering it. Well, I guess he emptied his mind too much. Didn't he?

"Be formless, shapeless like water" Wait, was not Bruce Lee a great advocate of a healthy and sporty lifestyle so as to keep as much in fit form and good shape for as long as posible?

And how about putting water in a cup, a bottle or a teapot? It, the water, or someone being water for the same matter, becomes the cup, the bottle or the teapot as applicable. I'm not buying this one, least of all when my savage nieces and nephews come visiting. No potery is safe around them, so imagine they decide paying a visit to his uncle, me, right at the moment I decided to become a cup, a bottle or a teapot. Yes, water can flow, mainly when its recipient crashes under the torpid hands of some family members.

Be water or face the consequences my friend, Bruce seems to say

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